sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Rises to network, how and when to go ?

Currently , the network game is one of the least trained by practicing tennis. The fact that most professional athletes spend most of their time in the know during their matches online , does the amateur player to have less and less reference to go to the network , hampering the development in this very important aspect of tennis.
To have a good advantage in the network , one must , in addition to an improved technique, a good finish on the network , which we call " approach" . Approach means ball approach, ie , the ball will bounce and you then go to the network . To do a good approach , one must know how and when you get to the network because the transition between the baseline and the network is as important as the coup itself.
First you must know the ideal time to make a approach . To facilitate the understanding is necessary to divide the block into three major parts . The 1st part is between the network and a little behind the service line, the 2nd part will be between the end of the 1st part to two meters before the baseline , and the 3rd part is between the end of the 2nd part to the end of the baseline. Batting the balls that bounce the opponent in 3rd part is the least recommended to make an approach . As the ball bounces with a lot of depth , it hit the ball and try to get the network probably will not have time to even get to the service line , and therefore make it very difficult to conduct some groundwork on the network , greatly increasing the probability of error . Have the balls that bounce in the 2nd part of the court , are recommended in some circumstances . You need a good analysis of the height , effect and speed of the ball . When they arrive with too much speed or too high due to the topspin effect , are not so recommended to make an approach , due to the difficulty that the ball arrives . However, when the ball lands in this area , but with little speed and with little effect , can be a good option to climb. Have the balls that bounce in the 1st part of the court, but these are the obligation of the player using them to make an approach , it will have sufficient time to hit the ball and climb with ease to finish the point if necessary.
With this concept in mind , we can now move to the second tip . When performing approach , there is the option of directing them in cross or parallel . First , remember that every time you climb the network , you should follow the trajectory of the ball is hit , that is , if you play the ball cross , must follow the ball move toward the cross , paying for the same parallel . When the balls are directed to the cross , the time to reach the network will be higher , reducing the time to get to the network , as well as opening more angle to the opponent . Already, when the balls are directed in parallel , arrival to the network will be faster , as well as closing any angle parallel , leaving only a space to cross the opponent to play the ball , decreasing the angles of the court . Thus , we can conclude that when carry out a approach , try using the balls in parallel , because theoretically , it increases the probability of winning the points along the network .
The last point to be discussed , and one of the most important on the network increases , is that often these theoretical bases are not reflected in practice, and often they need to be changed . An example of this are the players who are going high and deep balls to the other side of the block just waiting for the opponent to err . Many of them are completely vulnerable when your opponent goes to network. Thus, even when an opponent to play deep balls , you can choose to climb the network , while not in a good position , because the simple fact of being there already destabilizes the opponent . Another important point is the fact that many players have much better forehand than backhand or vice versa . When climbing on the network , if the following theory , the best choice is to drive the ball in parallel , but this will also depend on whether the ball is falling at best or worst blow the opponent . Sometimes it is worth making a cross in the approach , but directing to blow the opponent weaker than insist on an approach in parallel , but in directing his best shot .
This leads us to think that even with a good tactical basis, there is no magic formula . Reading the game as a whole , since the basic tactics to understanding the opponent , are paramount to success in the network .

More information
Email : jefferson.jcc@hotmail.com


1.      Treuherz RF , A. Cornejo Shoes: techniques and tactics of play: strategic preparation , mental , physical , nutritional . 2006

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