sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

The importance of muscle strengthening on the forearm for tennis players of field

Comparing data between the number of people starting to play tennis and the number of dropouts who entered these people would probably have a very small number of dropout . It appears that people linger for many years practicing tennis. Consequently , the evolution of the student is confused by the improvement of motor coordination , and increased muscular endurance and strength of the muscles worked , generating ever more power in coups . However , as his punches are becoming more coordinated , faster and stronger , the overhead this musculature has just progressively increasing . This overload creates an increased possibility of inflammation in regions of the body over worked in tennis .
One of the areas is worked forearm . It has direct participation in all tennis strokes . An overload of this area , due to an excessive number of repetitions of strokes and realization of incorrect movements , increases the possibility of tendonitis in the elbow , the famous tennis- elbow , and loss of power in coups . Furthermore, as the shoe is a one-sided sports field , that is , it uses one side of the body more than the other, a muscle imbalance exists between the two forearms.
To prevent these possible disorders , weight training ( resistance training ) should be performed in conjunction with tennis lessons . Adherence by strengthening from the players is very small , and when there is any player who is strengthening , they often give preference to other muscle groups of the forearm and forget . Only 10 minutes is sufficient to work the muscles of the forearm . Even if not in a bodybuilding gym , you can train at home or before class tennis . A weight in each hand and a bit of will and dedication , is enough for you to train .
Then follows two basic exercises to work the muscles of the forearm:

As we can see , if we dedicate 10 minutes, 2 times a week to do these two exercises can prevent possible injuries resulting from training , plus get muscular endurance . A suggested practice is to perform 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions for each exercise . If you are not in a place with weights , use your creativity . Take some object with a consistent weight and do the same motion , as if holding the bar .
These exercises are basic , mainly dedicated to players who do not do any type of strengthening . If you can, seek the advice of a skilled physical education in the area and make a more complete workout .

More information

Email : jefferson.jcc@hotmail.com

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