sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Traditional Techniques of Foot and Foot - Up -Back in the Sack Achievement in Tennis Field

The Booty is one of the most decisive in the final outcome foundations of a match for both amateurs as well as professionals players . However , just as the looting has enormous power during a match , the biomechanics of withdrawal is the most complex and difficult to be performed among all the essentials. For this reason , the training teams have given more importance to the plea withdrawal.
One of the most important aspects of the transfer is driving the legs . It is from the lower limbs that is generated to transfer the body to the ball . There are two different techniques for performing the transfer ( Figure 1 )

                   Figure 1 : Técinica Foot - Foot and back -up .            www.ludgerobraga.com

1. Foot -back ( feet apart ) : A technique that consists of maintaining the initial distance between the members .
2 . Foot -up ( feet together ) : the technique of the approximation of the lower limbs during the execution of the service .
Making a comparison between the two techniques when it comes to peak vertical force , ie, the upward momentum of the body can achieve , Foot -up technique has greater vertical force compared to the the Foot -back technique . Thus, the point of contact racket - ball puller will be added to the Foot -up technique.
With this feature biomechanics , we can direct certain technique for the player. Players with short stature may benefit from using the Foot -up technique. Because this technique to increase the vertical force , they can increase the height of the point of contact racket - ball, getting a better use for drawing .
However, it is important to note that these changes in the biomechanics of looting take some time to have results . Also, the player needs to feel comfortable with the new technique . Many players have the facility to carry out some technical and other difficulties and should balance the extent to which this change can generate some benefit . If the player feels loose and move freely change is certainly welcome .
Important to note that these tips are for players who already have enough experience in the sport . Beginning players need to work other aspects of withdrawal initially , mainly an increase of the ball and coordinated all segments of the body work on the serve motion.

More information
Email : jeferson.jcc@hotmail.com


1.      LB Neto , Serrao JC , Amadio AC . Study of dynamic and kinematic characteristics of tennis serve - Comparison between two techniques

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